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Xenios Zeus Beach Hotel
e-mail: [email protected]
Τηλ.: 23750 22920
Κινητό: 6995796212


Xenios Zeus Beach Hotel is literally a stone's throw from the sea. Just 30 meters from the beautiful beach of Nikiti is the ideal destination for those who love the sea and sunbathing. The beach is organized and has umbrellas and sunbeds. Escape from your daily routine by spending all day on the beach.

Adult Hotel

Xenios Zeus Beach Hotel accommodates adults only. It is ideal for couples, adult families and friends. We offer you a quiet environment for your summer vacation.

Breakfast buffet

Start your day well with homemade
dishes, made from fresh
Greek raw materials, with passion and
love. We offer you a buffet
breakfast with a wide variety and
different options everyday.
Enjoy the breakfast buffet at
interior of the Xenios hotel
Zeus Beach Hotel daily from 8.30
until 10.30.

Customers reviews

September 2020

Great little hotel right on the beach. Nice, individual rooms with a nice balcony. Hotel restaurant directly at the hotel. Room and bathroom very clean and the cleaning, which is only every 2 days during Corona times, works great. The breakfast is great, with fresh, national ingredients and good coffee.

Enjoy your meal by the sea

"Almira", the beachfront restaurant of Xenios Zeus Beach Hotel is open all day long. There you will enjoy a big variety of Mediterranean cuisine and fresh seafood. Get the fullest of the Greek summer holidays.

Idealy located

Just 5 minutes walk to the center of Nikiti, Xenios Zeus Beach Hotel is idealy located in a quiet area. You will be able to get everything you need from the local shops, all situated at a walking distance.You can easily and quickly
move downtown.